About the Course
The course emphasis is on developing a practical understanding of the mechanical design of fixed equipment and piping systems in process plant applications. Sample problems and participant exercises are included throughout the course to illustrate the concepts discussed and provide the attendees with practice in applying them.
This course provides the information necessary for individuals to be able to evaluate the design of pressure vessels in accordance with the ASME Code Section VIII Div 1. Understanding pressure vessel design requirements will help individuals be more effective in dealing with maintenance requirements of vessels and heat exchangers.
To whom it may concern
This three (3) day / four (4) day optional course is directed to engineers, managers and, others responsible for the mechanical design of pressure vessels, heat exchangers, aboveground atmospheric storage tanks and piping systems.
Body of Knowledge
- Basic Pressure Vessel Concepts (Main Components, Primary Functions, Definitions / Glossary)
- Materials of Construction (Factors Affecting Material Selection, Basis for Allowable Stresses, Allowable Stress Tables, Impact Test Exemptions, Material Selection)
- Specifying Design Requirements (The ASME Code in Design, Design & Operating Conditions, Design Pressure Thickness, Vessel Support Design, Specifying Load Requirements, Supplemental Loads, DL, LL, W, E, M Loads, the overlooked loads, Load Combinations)
- Fabrication Details (Evaluate Fab Drawings, Joint Categories, Welding Requirements, Weld Detail Requirements)
- Non-destructive Examination (Non Destructive Methods, Types of Weld Defects, Acceptance Criteria)
- Inspection & Testing Requirements (Welding Inspection, Dimensional Tolerances, Hydrostatic Testing, Pneumatic Testing, Stored Energy Considerations)
- Problems & Exercises (mawp, allowable stresses, impact test exemptions)
- Essential Documents (Vessel Data Sheet, Comprehensive Design Calc's, Pressure Vessel MR & QC)
Day 4 (optional)
- Case Study, (client supplied): client provides problem to be worked by class
As time permits additionally can be presented:
- Intro to ASME VIII Div 2
- Fitness for Service
- Pressure Vessel Quick Calculators (design pressure thickness, stress due to wind loading, fatigue screening