About the Course
This three (3-day optional-minimum) / four (4) day basic course will provide an intensive study of FFS techniques applicable to a wide variety of static pressure equipment, piping, and atmospheric storage tanks and other essential equipment in refineries, petrochemical and oil sands facilities constructed to the principles in construction Codes including ASME VIII Division 1, Division 2, ASME B31.3 and standards such API 650, API 653 and how these practice documents are extended by the ASME FFS-1 / API 579-1 standard for fitness for service evaluations.
The course quickly moves from the engineering mechanics / code criteria basics of the "design by rules" and "design by analysis" approaches of Codes and standards to the detailed application of the principles to safely extend the life of static equipment within the framework of API 579 / ASME FFS - 1.
The solution techniques of API 579 / ASME FFS - 1 have wide application to flaw damage and are illustrated by case study. Level 1 and Level 2 analyses are presented for the benefit of inspectors and non-senior engineers since many FFS problems can be successfully evaluated using these techniques properly. Level 3 techniques are better left to senior engineers who are experienced in the more detailed, analytical approaches which require a deeper understanding of the damage mechanism and solution methodologies.
Who should attend
This course is intended for individuals who are responsible for the design, installation, inspection, repair & maintenance, or fitness for service assessments of pressure equipment, piping, fired equipment and atmospheric storage equipment in a wide variety of industrial settings including hydrocarbon processing (HPI), chemical & petrochemical (CPI), oil sands, upstream oil and gas, power generation (PGI) and pipeline transportation industries. The four (4) day course is strongly recommended for those intending to conduct FFS evaluations.
Course Outline - Body of Knowledge (BOK)
- Overview - API 579 / ASME FFS – 1: Scope. Regulators & Regulations
- Codes & Standards: ASME VIII Div 1 &2. ASME B31.3 Piping. API 650 / 653 Storage Tanks
- Damage Mechanisms: Mechanical & Metallurgical
- API 5 79 / ASME FFS-1: FFS - Technical Basis. Damage Classes
- API 579 / ASME FFS-1: Assessment Levels. Level I, II, III Assessments. Assessment Criteria
- Detailed Procedures (Parts 3 – 14): Brittle Fracture. GML & LML. Pitting Corrosion. Weld Misalignment & Shell Distortions. HIC / SOHIC / Blisters. Crack-like Defects. Creep. Fire Damage. Dent, Gouge & Dent / Gouge Combinations. High / Low Cycle Fatigue
- Applications: Propane Drum Brittle Fracture. Atmospheric Storage Tank Buckling. DCU Coke Drum Bulging & Cracking
Day 4 (Optional)
- Critical Commentary & Completion: Parts 1 & 2. Validation of FEA solutions. The FFS risk assessment. The professional FFS report
- Case Studies & Class Challenge: Case Study Challenge: client provides current problem(s) to be worked by class or Prepared Case Studies (alternatively)