The SOCIALNEET kickoff & launch event was successfully completed on April 17, 2019 at NOVUS CITY HOTEL in Athens, with the participation of twenty (20) distinguished speakers from the Academic, Business and Scientific sector but above all oriented from Civil Society, including representatives of IVEPE-SEV.

SOCIALNEET is an ambitious initiative of 9 organizations from 8 European countries and aims at the integration into the labor market of young people under 30 (not in Employment and not in Education or Training [NEETs]) by exploiting new models of social innovation in the field of social economy and particular in the sectors of Tourism - Culture, Health Care, Agri Food, IT and Open Source Software and Alternative Energy Sources.

SOCIALNEET is not about an individual social enterprise, but basically focused on how a large, open network of people will work with social enterprises on innovative project solutions to exploit inactive resources and social capitalism at a local level. It is essentially a program of counseling and organization, which is open to all social institutions.

The first part of the event concerned the European dimension of SOCIALNEET. More specifically, each project partner made a short presentation of her/his organization and of the NEETs phenomenon in her/his country. The second part of the event was related to the SOCIALNEET project in Greece. Speakers presented sustainable cooperative initiatives and innovative social entrepreneurship projects based on the Greek context.

Find out more about the EEA and Norway Grants Funded Project:




Current Semester Scheduled seminars

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