NDT Educational Courses We offer specialized Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) training programs in methods widely used in the Greek and International industry being certified by BINDT as an Authorized Training Organization (ATO).Our training programs fulfill all the required conditions in order for the candidate to obtain internationally recognized NDT certification that will make him / her competitive on the world labor market. Candidates acquire the necessary general and specific theoretical knowledge for the NDT method they choose and then apply it in our fully equipped laboratories during extensive practical exercises.The training process is supported by specialized educational material which is designed in a way that can be used as a manual in the trainee's subsequent career.We offer the following programs: Ultrasonic Testing-UTM (Thickness Measurement) Ultrasonic Testing-UT (Welds) Ultrasonic Testing-UT (Castings) Liquid Penetrant Testing - PT Magnetic Particle Testing - MT Radiographic Interpretation - RI Radiographic Testing - RT Visual Testing - VT Professional Certification for Non Destructive Testing We are an Authorized Examination Center (AEC) of the Institution of Mechanical Engineering – Argyll Ruane (IMechE - Argyll Ruane) of England and can provide Certification for Non-Destructive Testing Inspectors according to PCN/ISO9712 and SNT-TC-1A in the most common methods. Candidates that successfully complete our NDT courses and pass the exams are awarded with internationally recognized certification that can be the catalyst for increased productivity, quality of inspection services and enhancement of their professional profile. At the same time, a recognized Certification on Non-Destructive Testing is usually necessary for winning contracts of construction and other projects of public and private entities. Modern NDT Laboratories In our privately owned premises, we have created the appropriate NDT laboratories, which are fully equipped to conduct good practice and simulate work conditions that the trainee will face in his / her professional career. In our workshops trainees have the opportunity to practice the theory they have learned and gain valuable experience. Our laboratories are certified by EOPPEP and BINDT. View the embedded image gallery online at: https://ivepe.gr/en/component/content/article/184-uncategorized/488-ndt-training#sigProId029c318038