Piping Inspection and Maintenance (API 570 & ASME B31.3)

About the Course

This y course will provide an intensive overview of design, material selection, fabrication details, testing and inspection of piping in the hydrocarbon processing industries as represented by refineries, oil sands, heavy oil and petrochemical processing facilities consistent with the body of knowledge contained in API 570 & 571, ASME B31.3 as well as other supporting documents referenced in these primary documents.

This course presents the syllabus outlined in API's API 570 inspection certification program; a practice exam and review will provide attendees with feedback on their understanding and mastery of the API 570 content.

The course will present the topics in the context of API 570 and ASME B31.3 and augment these primary documents to provide a more thoughtful consideration of the "rules".

The four (4) day course goes beyond the rules and checklist approach of the API 570 requirements to maximize value for the attendee in his organizational role.


To whom it may concern

The course is directed to inspectors, engineers, technologists, technicians, maintenance personnel and managers responsible for the compliance, integrity and reliability of pressure piping systems in these industries.

The intensive three-day course is directed to inspectors wishing to cover the syllabus of API 570. Days 1 and 2 will be extended to cover the materials in appropriate depth to challenge the practice exam. The four-day course will provide additional topics for inspectors, engineering and maintenance personnel to achieve a more thorough understanding of piping systems encountered in the refinery, oil sands, heavy oil and petrochemical facilities.


Body of Knowledge

  • Overview. Codes & standards: API 570. ASME B16.5. ASME B31.3. ASME V, IX. Jurisdictional Issues
  • API 570: Scope, References, Definitions, Owner / User Organizations, Inspection & Testing Practices, Frequency of Inspection, Inspection Data Evaluation, Repairs, Alteration & Rerating, Inspection of Buried Piping, Appendices
  • Ancillary API Documents: API 574 Inspection Practices, API 577 Welding & Metallurgy, Definitions
  • API 571 Damage Mechanisms: Scope, References, Definitions. Damage Mechanisms, FAC - Erosion / Corrosion, Mechanical / Metallurgical, Metal Loss, High Temperature, Environment Assisted
  • ASME B16.5 Flanges: P - T Ratings, Component Size, Marking, Materials, Pressure Testing
  • ASME B31.3 Piping Code: Design. Pressure Thickness. MAWP, MDT, MDMT. Materials, Impact Testing, Flexibility & Support, Fabrication, Inspection & Examination, Testing
  • API 570 Practice Exam: Calculations. Welding. WPS – Procedure. PQR – Qualification. NDE. ASME V, B31.3. API 570. Practical Knowledge. Practice Exam Review
  • Class Discussion & Case Studies: DCU Blowdown Header – Failure. Hydraulic Transients. FAC - Erosion-Corrosion. CUI – Failure. Fitting Fatigue Failure

Day 4 (optional)

  • Engineering Design: Other Relevant Piping Codes. Pipe Manufacturing – Impacts. Piping System Layout, Supports. Piping Restraints
  • Valves: Types, Stem Packing, Valve Inspection & Testing
  • Special Procedures / Topics: Hot Bolting, Hot Tapping, Firesafe Valves, Category M Piping
  • Class Discussions: Engineering Aspects of Case Studies


Course information

Course Code 303.02
Course Title Piping Inspection and Maintenance (API 570 & ASME B31.3)
Course Duration 24/32

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