Leading Knowledge and Skills

Institute of Industrial and Business Education & Training 

IVEPE-SEV is the educational branch of SEV (Hellenic Federation of Enterprises) in the field of Lifelong Learning and Vocational Training.  Since 1980, we have constantly been following the demands of the labour market by planning and implementing educational programs for employees, self-employed, unemployed and vulnerable social groups both in Greece and abroad.

Our educational programs are designed to meet the demand in skills for all sectors of the economy and per profession and they aim at helping those being trained to form a modern and competitive professional profile.

At the same time, we provide enterprises with the possibility of increasing their productivity, by educating and certifying their human resources based on their current needs.


Over 2.000.000 hours

training to more than 500,000 trainees

International Certifications

recognized by national and global labor market

250+ available courses

suitable for the whole range of educational needs

Specialized workshops

for the application of theoretical knowledge to practice

Current Semester Scheduled seminars

See the scheduled seminars for the current semenster.